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Award-winning, industry-leading software for publishers


Updated: Jun 7, 2023

We're excited to share that we have been awarded the BIC 2021 Supply Chain Excellence award!

This award highlights our performance in key areas across the supply chain, measured against the industry standards set by Book Industry Communications Ltd.

This fantastic accreditation scheme allows us, as service providers, to showcase our support and compliance with industry standards and offer services consistent with the highest standards of book trade efficiency to customers, old and new.

Thank you to the BIC Accreditation Panel for presenting us with this accreditation.

Find out more about our award-winning Biblio software for publishers and content providers.


BIC is an organisation set up and sponsored by the Publishers Association, Booksellers Association, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals and the British Library to promote supply chain efficiency in all sectors of the book world through e-commerce and the application of best practice, standard processes and procedures.

Accreditation's like the BIC SCEA has a number of benefits and enables organisations to test their performance in key areas and how they measure up against industry standards set by BIC. The scheme recognizes organisations big and small for their efficiencies, customers service and investment in innovative solutions to the supply chain issues they face. Find out more about the BIC accreditation schemes and the many benefits that come from the awards.

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