Empower your staff with the bigger picture
Access real-time title, sales and stock information through a single-user interface for deeper analysis of your titles. Gain better insight into your inventory and sales to save money on excess stock, improve operational performance by quickly identifying those areas of your list which are under- or over-performing, spot new revenue streams and then adapt accordingly to maximize profitability.
Inventory Management in the
Contemporary Book Publishing Industry
Covering everything you need to know, this paper brings together industry experts to tap their collective wisdom and insights on innovations in print, prioritizing sustainability, cost-efficient supply chain management, and developments in AI technologies

Forecasting and scenario analysis
Compare similar titles to forecast likely sales of frontlist and backlist titles.
Slice and dice daily, weekly or monthly accrual sales figures to compare data by work, groups of editions, customer, sales channel, market, or any range of title or company filters.
Group titles together for focused analysis, based on series, lists, discount, front/backlist, publication dates or categories such as BIC codes, season, regions, imprints.
Integrated with BiblioSuite
​Analyze and interrogate stock and sales data in a familiar system interface to reduce the need for training and technical expertise.
Benefit from a wealth of existing title and customer data to be reported on and analysed in conjunction with the real-time sales data.
Compare estimated print costs and acquisition predictions with actual sales and revenue.
Pull through rights deals and royalty information to see the full, financial picture for one or more titles.

Conduct detailed post-mortems
Combine production costs, rights income and royalties for comprehensive post-mortems on single editions, entire works or groups of titles to inform future acquisition decisions.
Improve operational performance and forecast with greater accuracy.​​

Visualization tools and analytics
Toggle between different views and data, and overlay multiple charts on the interactive dashboard.
Compare sales to spot key trends and patterns, and reveal hidden insights in just a few simple clicks.
Create bespoke outputs for analysis and further manipulation, all without the need for technical know-how or costly interfaces.