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Astra Publishing House Selects Biblio as its Fully-Integrated Publishing Hub

Virtusales Publishing Solutions

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Virtusales Publishing Solutions is delighted to welcome Astra Publishing House to the Biblio community.

As a quickly growing publishing company, with a mix of homegrown and acquired imprints, Astra Publishing House is meeting the challenge of managing disparate systems by implementing the full Biblio Suite of publishing software to optimize data management and operations; Astra’s toolset will include the Bibliographic, Production, Contracts, Rights, and Royalties modules, as well as the Biblio Royalty Portal. Astra IT Lead Juliana Lauletta says,

“We are pleased to be working with Biblio to bring a streamlined, unified workflow to our eight imprints, and to provide a new royalty portal to our valued authors, illustrators, and agents.”

Juliana Lauletta, IT Lead, Astra Publishing House

About Astra Publishing House

Astra Publishing House is dedicated to publishing books for children and adults that celebrate excellent storytelling, have a strong point of view, and introduce readers to new perspectives about their everyday lives as well as the lives of others. Astra Publishing House includes Astra House, dedicated to publishing the best non-fiction and fiction writers from the US as well as from around the world; the newly formed Astra Books for Young Readers featuring seven children’s book imprints, Astra Young Readers (formerly Boyds Mills Press), Calkins Creek, Hippo Park, Kane Press, mineditionUS, TOON Books, and Wordsong; and Astra Magazine, a new international literary magazine.

About Biblio

Biblio offers growing publishers the opportunity to implement tried-and-tested, digital workflows that have been developed in collaboration with world-leading publishers, to streamline their processes and increase their output without increasing their number of employees. It enables content-led publishing models, helping publishers to fully utilize their IP and maximize their income regardless of the publishing formats chosen. Biblio users are therefore free to focus on growing their business in the sound mind that all their data, assets and essential documentation – from editorial right the way through to royalties – are being recorded and stored in a way which will better the performance of the business, and will increase effective communications (both internally and externally, with staff, business partners, authors and agents alike).

Biblio is proven to help publishing houses of all shapes and sizes to save time, reduce duplication of efforts and increase the access to key information and documents company-wide. The only difficulty after implementing will be deciding what to do with the time you’ve freed up!

By choosing Biblio’s comprehensive system, your publishing house will be able to:

  • manage multiple formats including books, e-books, audiobooks, packs and bundles (including non-book products), licenses and merchandise;

  • easily maintain high-quality metadata and enhanced ONIX feeds;

  • control and record all aspects of safety-testing (if applicable);

  • generate and authorize contracts with software that enables full rights management;

  • create costings and schedules for production;

  • raise purchase orders within the Biblio system;

  • handle complex royalty calculations and payments;

  • and much, much more.

About Virtusales Publishing Solutions

Virtusales is the creator of the industry leading Biblio suite of publishing software.

Working with some of the world's leading trade, children’s and novelty, academic and scholarly, educational and professional, content and licensing, and religious publishers including Penguin Random House, Faber, Oxford University Press, Hachette, Bloomsbury and Macmillan Publishers, Virtusales is streamlining ​publishers' workflows and bringing efficiencies to their business processes with innovative software, exceptional service and a collaborative approach.

Our leading edge, web-based technology, rapid development cycle of new functionality and close working relationships with our customers ensure that our client publishers are able to manage and adapt to the industry's challenges more efficiently, now and in the future.

Find out more here or contact us for further information.


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